Thursday, July 23, 2009

Study and Beyond (My blog; re-brand and re-launch)

After about one and a half year having blogger account, i gradually realize my passion to have a more fresh and let say, more fancy blog. Moreover, i totally admit that writing a blog post is an interesting activity (although sometimes i end up with nothing in mind). Based on that facts, i would like to re-brand and re-launch my previous blog ( which titled "another way to speak up", to a brand new blog i so-called "Study and Beyond" (

Furthermore, will reflects all aspects and dynamics of my life as a university student. I think it is the right moment to re-brand and re-launch my blog since i will depart to Netherlands to continue my bachelor study program by next month. For your info, i am currently enrolled in a dual degree program, which i have finished my first two years in University of Indonesia and about continue my last two year in Universiteit van Amsterdam. Based on that fact, i would like to dedicate my new blog as my way to express and show what's on my mind during my time studying abroad. I also hope that this new blog will be more interesting, since i assumed that i can share my experience living and studying abroad that will shape my way of thinking. This blog also will be my method to kill time, since i predict that i will have less organizational activities during my time there. ;D

For little sneaks, as it reflected by its name, this new blog will not only consist of study-related things. It will also consist of all aspect of my life beyond study, including traveling, cooking, thoughts, current issues and maybe a little bit of love story (if there's any) ;P

Last but not least, i would like to give credits to all of my lovely friends and people who make my life more colorful and worthy. My beloved family members and childhood friends. Nevertheless, to my alma mater, Universitas Indonesia, and to its whole civitas academica. Including lecturers, alumni, fellow students and so forth. I really enjoyed my last two years being in UI Depok campus. Finally, I proudly introducing my new blog. I hope you enjoy it, and don't forget to give me some feedbacks on it.

For the people i care and love for the most,

Arif Nindito

1 comment:

  1. horeee
    gue yang pertama!

    tinggal menghitung hari bgtbgt ya rif?
